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Module 2 Ch 6 Case study

Ch 6

Q CLINICAL CASE REPORT Chapter 6 Running Problem: Diabetes Mellitus 1. In which type of diabetes is the signal pathway for insulin more likely to be defective? 2. In which form of diabetes are the insulin receptors more likely to be up-regulated? 3. The homeostatic regulation of blood glucose levels by the hormones insulin and glucagon is an example of which of Cannon’s postulates? 4. In the insulin pathway that regulates blood glucose levels, what are the stimulus, the sensor, the integrating center, the efferent pathway, the effector(s), and the response? 5. Why can’t glucose always diffuse into cells when the blood glucose concentration is higher than the intracellular glucose concentration?

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1. Facts: Insulin is a peptide hormone that uses membrane receptors linked to the second messenger to transmit its signal to cells . People with type 1 diabetes lack insulin ;people with type 2 diabetes have normal to elevated insulin levels . Integration and Analysis: Normal or high insulin levels suggests that the problem is not with amount of insulin but with the action of the insulin at the cell. The problem in type 2 diabetes could be a defective signal transduction mechanism.